Bretzel liquide, humour noir, propos absurdes et photos étranges

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un monde de feu et de larmes

, 17:16 - Lien permanent

pendant ce temps, au vatican...
photo 1 : Ben Heine
photo 2 : COSMO SARSON
(Breakdancing Jesus Oil on Canvas 6’ x 4’ "This painting was inspired by a tiny photograph from an old newspaper that I cut out and kept for many years. I knew there was something in it but it took a while for the idea to come to me and then to act on it. It involved a photo shoot with a friend of mine dressed as Jesus, breakdancing on a bit of cardboard outside a kebab shop. The background image is taken inside the vatican itself, and is actually of Cardinals applauding as the Pope enters the chamber. The image has now achieved cult status".)

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